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Playoff Crew Criteria
- Crew selection will be based on number of games at varsity or higher level.
- Minimum amount of varsity games or higher is 10 to qualify for playoff crew.
- The game quantity minimums will be based on this season; from the start of the season through January 1st.
- Transferring officials may show proof of eligibility to qualify for play crews if they can document their varsity or higher-level schedules from last year and meet the FHSAA Rank #1 or #2 status or Rank #3 with an FHSAA exemption.
- Games completed at the varsity level for a secondary high school association shall not count as eligible games.
- Only GCBOA Rank #100 and #200 officials are eligible for playoff crews.
- Must attend four (4) GCBOA meetings prior to the Christmas break.
- Official MUST be available for ALL post-season playoff crews. This includes district, regional and state.
- Officials who had long term injuries or illness which may have affected their respective game counts may apply for a waiver regarding game counts.
- All potential Playoff crew members must have a valid JLA card on record to be considered. This requirement applies to everyone.
- Any official missing one playoff game - district, regional or state - may be removed permanently from the crew.
- The fine for crew removal is $195.
FHSAA Section 300 (Assignments To Officiate State Series)
302. Regional & State Tournaments/Meets
302.01 Assignments:
(1) The assignment of officials to officiate a regional tournament or meet, as well as a state tournament or meet, will be made by the FHSAA Office. These assignments may or may not be made from the list of officials compiled by the association’s Recommendations Committee as required in s.302.01(2), with the exceptions of swimming & diving, track & field and weightlifting.
(2) The Recommendations Committee within each local officials association must compile and submit by the prescribed deadline to the FHSAA Office a list of member officials who deserve consideration for assignment to a regional tournament contest or state tournament contest. This list of recommended officials must be approved by majority vote of the local officials’ association membership prior to its submission to the FHSAA Office.302.02 Criteria to be Followed in Making Assignments: Those officials in each sport who have met the following criteria will be given priority consideration for selection to officiate State Series contests:
(1) Officials who are classified by the FHSAA as Rank 1 or Rank 2 in that sport;
(2) Officials who were selected to officiate a district tournament contest in that sport;
(3) Officials who have scored “80” or above on the FHSAA rules examination for that sport;
(4) Officials who are recommended to the FHSAA Office by the local officials association to which they belong. (The FHSAA Office may request the local association to submit regular season evaluations for recommended officials.)FHSAA Section 204 (Committees)
204.03 Responsibilities of Committees
(3.) Recommendations Committee: The Recommendations Committee is responsible for reviewing the evaluations of each member official during the regular season. This committee is also responsible for preparing and submitting to the FHSAA Office a list of member officials who deserve consideration for assignment to State Series contests. If the assignment official (booking commissioner) is not on the committee as a voting member then the recommendation committee should work with the assignment official (booking commissioner) to prepare and submit to the FHSAA, the list of member officials
GCBOA Constitution Article VI, Section E (The duties of the Commissioner), Item #4
To cooperate with FHSAA Commissioner and his duly authorized representatives in assigning officials to post-season tournaments, and to give said Commissioner/representative, upon request, unbiased information concerning the capabilities of GCBOA officials for postseason games.GCBOA - Assignments To Officiate State Series
These criteria sets forth the basis for a GCBOA official’s inclusion into the pool of officials eligible to be assigned to a crew by the Recommendation Committee. Satisfaction of the criteria by a GCBOA official does not guaranty that the official will be assigned to a playoff crew. That determination shall be made solely by the Recommendation Committee. The recommended crews will be presented to the GCBOA membership, via email, at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which a vote for approval of the crew selection will be held. Members may vote in person or by email, as provided by the Policies and Procedures in effect at the time.
GCBOA Girls and Boys Playoff Officials 2025
Hannah Angell John Bennett
Tom Bernhardt Andy Gehrig
Bret Bystricky Mark Horton
Mike Canape Eric Karjel
Walter Carr Steve Kwarcinski
Steve DiPalma Sean McCue
Tracy Fackler Scott Ollar
Chris Miller Shannon Piggott
Molly Moore Sean Spivey
Tom Napier Sheldon Spivey
Harry Salters Noble Tsumas
John Speirs Byron Watson
Craig Violett
Anthony Whitfield
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